Thursday 28 November 2013

From Paper, To Computer, To Fabric.

For the past two weeks I have been continuing to draw and paint, but I have also begun to put together some rough pattern compositions. I decided to this as a way of seeing what other flower shapes or outlines I may need to improve my compositions. I wanted to test how my painting style would transfer onto fabric; I decided to use a textured material like linen because it look a lot like canvas. I thought that this would help to further convey a painted effect. 
Below are two pattern designs both as computer version and fabric sample:

Friday 8 November 2013

Today I wanted to concentrate more time on my sketch book. I decided to try painting single flower heads on brush stroke back grounds to see how the composition could work. I'm pretty pleased with the look.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

This past weekend I took a trip to Amsterdam to see friends. It was the perfect opportunity to make time for a visit to the Van Gogh Museum. I wanted to go because his style of painting is a good inspiration for the style I have developed myself. It was very helpful also to read about the different types of media Van Gogh used and how he used it. I was very lucky because I was allowed to take photographs of many of the works on display, providing I didn't use flash. I chose these paintings for their example of colour use, brush stroke and composition.